Destiny & Halo

Two warriors from distant but different futures suffering in silence.


An AI piloting an experimental set of MJOLNIR armor.


- As an AI, Shaetima can interface with most technology and operate it.- Shaetima can dump information she knows into banks across the galaxy and subsequently retrieve information. This helps to fight the onslaught of Rampancy and keep her sane.- Shaetima's armor can allow a human pilot access. She can also override their piloting abilities to manipulate the armor herself, if the need arises.


An experimental Smart AI born before the Fall of Reach to an understudy of Dr. Halsey by the name of Claire Calcifer. Following in Halsey's footsteps, Shaetima is an AI made in the same vein of Cortana: from a flash-cloned brain of a living human. Shaetima possesses the ability to dump her knowledge into a private "cloud" storage across the known galaxy which halts the onslaught of Rampancy.After the events of Halo 3, Shaetima was selected to participate in ONI's PROJECT: OPEN CASKET. A program that allowed AI to pilot MJOLNIR armor. The point being to see if AI could work just as well if not better than human operators, in an attempt to cut the costs and time required to obtain and train human Spartans for field exercises.



A Guardian who spent centuries honing both the Light and Dark...


- She has the ability to Take opponents, though she often only Takes those who are willing to fight under her. Technically, she could Take any being she comes across due to her Paracausal nature, however.- Due to becoming lost in Time, she's had a very long time to hone her Light. This has enabled her access to the abilities that Titans and Warlocks have access to.- Because of her absence during the beginning of the Red War, she wasn't affected in the same way that other Guardians were when they lost access to their Light. She still retains the knowledge of utilizing Bladedancer.- Wrapping back to the second point, she learned the art of the Sunsingers while stuck in the Dark Ages, combined with her knowledge from when she was alive during the events of Destiny 1.


An Awoken Hunter reborn in the Plaguelands. She helped to see the downfall of Atheon, Crota, and Oryx. After felling Oryx, she received a small portion of his Taken abilities, and as a result, wields her own small army of Taken. She disappeared afterward and returned to the solar system to shepherd Guardians to safety when Ghaul attacked, rejoining the Guardians of the Last City to take back Earth and the rest of the solar system.After some time, she would unknowingly become trapped in the Infinite Forest after failing to save someone close to her. In her simulation, she escaped through the Vault of Glass and one of its' many portals that stretched beyond time. However, when she entered one, she came out in the Dark Ages. Before she could return to that Infinite Forest simulation, the portal was destroyed, stranding her in this time period. She may have escaped from that simulation, but now she was trapped in the past.In the past, she joins up with the Iron Lords near the beginning of their creation, naming herself "Lady Calcifer." Disappearing when the Iron Lords meet their end to SIVA, Shaetima would kill herself and instruct her Ghost to revive her just before Ghaul struck. After which, she would lay dormant in one of the stasis pods in the Cosmodrome (seen in Cayde's Stash from Destiny 1) until time had caught up. Due to an error with the pod, she stayed in there longer than she'd meant to, coming out of stasis during Season of the Splicer, where she would once again take up arms against Atheon, who returned from a different timeline.
